Students’ attitudes toward project-based learning – a study for English majored freshmen at University of Transport Ho Chi Minh City

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Advancement of science and technology have resulted in a variety of pedagogic methods and strategies that acquired presence in almost educational systems. Although this has brought both teachers and students enormous benefits, some challenges in how to teach and learn English successfully continue questioning the educational systems globally, including Vietnam. Hardly has any breakthrough been achieved so far in Vietnam, actually. Vietnamese learners of English at tertiary level, especially English majored freshmen, nearly have no effective way of learning to improve their skills in English for various reasons, which makes the quality of learning has become abysmally poor. This paper aims at (i) identifying positive attitudes of English majored freshmen at University of Transport Ho Chi Minh City (UTH) toward project-based learning (PBL) as an approach of learning English; (ii) confirming the efficiency of this approach for them to improve their learning English generally, and basic English skills including listening, speaking, reading, writing particularly. A mixed methodology was applied for the study, and 44 English majors from Institute of Language and Social Science (ILASS) – UTH were kindly requested to join the survey for data collection and analysis. The findings reveal that almost participants show their positive attitudes and interests in the PBL, and they also agree PBL facilitates them much in improving their English skills. Relevant suggestions are finally given to help English majored freshmen get more success as a threshold.
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