Revolutionizing design processes with virtual reality: A comprehensive review of applications and advancements

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Virtual reality (VR) technology still has to advance systems that enable more creative forms of visualization and interaction to enhance engineering design evaluations. CAD software programs are used often today to supplement the traditional design review process on a PC. The functional and ergonomic validations of complicated3D models are not always possible using CAD on a screen. This study describes the creation and assessment of a VR- based tool to facilitate engineering design review. "VR-Smart" provides an intuitive interface while seeing CAD data. The tool's usability and user experience were assessed in preliminary user research. Then, VR-Smart was examined in a true industrial setting and put to the test in a genuine design review. According to the findings, a VR-supported design review enables users to detect a few more flaws in a 3D model than a PC-based CAD software-based method. Additionally, VR lessens the possibility of leaving out particular expert groups from the design review procedure. Moreover, the straightforward VR system interface made it possible to enter the design review much faster. In conclusion, virtual reality will not completely replace the conventional design review process on screens, but it will be a helpful complement for engineering firms.
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