Policy Proposal on Maritime Cybersecurity in the Port Environment of Vietnam: A lesson learned from critical analysis of international perspectives

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It is well-established that ships, ports, and other offshore facilities tend to rely much on modern technology for their globally connected cyberspace and operation. These intertwined connectivity streamlines various aspects of the maritime industry, but also closely exposes maritime stakeholders to new insidious trends of risk including cyberattacks and outages. Sadly, the maritime sector has been inactively realizing how the new environment impacts and now nearly lags behind other industries (for instance aviation) when it moves to the phase of cyber risk mitigation and regulation [1]. Coupled with the increasing hacking incidents during the last 10 years in the maritime domain, it is the ripe time to set the green light on proposing a policy paper on maritime cybersecurity. Yet room for policy formation remains despite the recent efforts made by some ports and terminals.
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