Whether the COLREGs are still applicable to the Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship

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COLREGs is considered as the rule of the road in which seafarers have been required to comply for collision avoidance on the sea. Considering the regulations of COLREGs, it can be seen that this regulation is mostly involving the human element. By way of illustration, the interpretation of Rule 2 of the COLREGs highlights the inherent engagement of the human in preventing the occurrence of collision at sea. Therefore, with the absence of human onboard, there is a question arising whether there are any difficulties in the application of COLREGs to Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS). In this regard, the purposes of this article are to (i) figure out whether there are any practical hindrances to apply the rules of COLREGs to ensure the maritime safety and security in the shipping industry, and (ii) whether the role of the master or the crew will be actually disappeared and who shall be responsible in case of occurrence of the collision.
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