English speaking problems – Practical cases of Vietnamese and Omani learners

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Since English was chosen as an international language, it has become one of the mandatory subjects at schools and higher education institutions. There are more and more English centers in the world, especially in Vietnam. A variety of courses have been designed to meet the international standards as well as the demands society in academic institutions and English language centers. However, the learners are still not completely satisfied with the courses because of unsolved problems. Pedagogy of the second language learners may struggle in speaking lessons due to different reasons. This paper, therefore, attempts to systematize practical problems and their reasons of adult learners. The cases of Vietnamese and Omani learners are described based on thepractical experience of a CELTA-certified English teacher, an observer in the higher education and a typical IELTS learner. As the result of interviews, pronunciation is the most common difficulty in speaking English which is affected mainly by the learners’ mother tongue. Most of Vietnamese learners have a similar problem which is called “vietlish language”. This means they can speak English, but their English is not easily understood by people of the same country and the foreigners due to the effects of their first language.
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